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react-query-firebase / auth / useReauthenticateWitRedirectMutation

Function: useReauthenticateWitRedirectMutation()

function useReauthenticateWitRedirectMutation<TContext>(options): UseMutationResult<void, FirebaseError, UseReauthenticateWitRedirectMutationVariables, TContext>

Defined in: src/auth/useReauthenticateWitRedirectMutation.ts:21

Custom hook that provides a mutation to reauthenticate a user with a given authentication provider using redirection. This hook uses the useMutation hook from the React Query library to handle async mutation logic.

Type Parameters

TContext = unknown

The type of any additional context you wish to pass to the mutation.



Omit<UseMutationOptions<FirebaseError, UseReauthenticateWitRedirectMutationVariables, TContext>, "mutationKey" | "mutationFn"> = {}

Optional configuration object for the mutation. It provides the ability to pass options to customize the behavior of the mutation.


UseMutationResult<void, FirebaseError, UseReauthenticateWitRedirectMutationVariables, TContext>

A mutation result object containing methods and state of the mutation.

Released under the MIT License.