react-query-firebase / firestore / useDocReferences
Function: useDocReferences()
function useDocReferences<AppModelType, DbModelType>(references): DocumentReference<AppModelType, DbModelType>[]
Defined in: src/firestore/useDocReferences.ts:28
A custom hook to generate document references for Firebase Firestore documents using given reference options.
The hook accepts an array of options, where each option may contain a path, an existing reference, or path segments, and returns an array of generated Firestore document references based on those options. The references can be used to interact with the Firestore database documents. It uses memoization to optimize reference generation.
Type Parameters
• AppModelType
• DbModelType extends DocumentData
= DocumentData
, DbModelType
An array of options specifying how to generate document references. Each option may include a path
as a string, a reference
as a Firestore reference, and pathSegments
as an array of strings.
, DbModelType
An array of Firestore document references generated from the options provided.