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react-query-firebase / firestore / useSetDocMutation

Function: useSetDocMutation()

function useSetDocMutation<AppModelType, DbModelType, TContext>(param0): UseMutationResult<void, FirebaseError, UseSetDocMutationValues<AppModelType>, TContext>

Defined in: src/firestore/useSetDocMutation.ts:32

Custom hook to create a mutation for setting a document in a Firestore-like database. The mutation can be configured with options and reference to specific document path.

Type Parameters

AppModelType = unknown

DbModelType extends DocumentData = DocumentData

TContext = unknown



UseSetDocMutationOptions<AppModelType, DbModelType, TContext>

The options for configuring the mutation, including the document reference and additional mutation options.


UseMutationResult<void, FirebaseError, UseSetDocMutationValues<AppModelType>, TContext>

The result of the mutation operation, which includes states like isLoading, isSuccess, isError, and methods to control the mutation process.

Released under the MIT License.