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react-query-firebase / firestore / useUpdateDocMutation

Function: useUpdateDocMutation()

function useUpdateDocMutation<AppModelType, DbModelType, TContext>(options): UseMutationResult<AppModelType, FirebaseError, UseUpdateDocMutationValues<DbModelType>, TContext>

Defined in: src/firestore/useUpdateDocMutation.ts:50

Custom hook that sets up a mutation for updating a document in a Firestore database.

This hook utilizes useMutation for performing asynchronous operations to update the document and retrieve the latest data snapshot. The update functionality can be configured with a custom converter if needed.

Type Parameters

AppModelType extends DocumentData = DocumentData

DbModelType extends DocumentData = DocumentData

TContext = unknown



UseUpdateDocMutationOptions<AppModelType, DbModelType, TContext>

Configuration options for the mutation, including Firestore reference, an optional Firestore data converter, and additional mutation options.

reference - The Firestore document reference that identifies the document to be updated.

converter - An optional Firestore converter for transforming the database response into a custom type.

options - Additional options that customize the mutation's behavior.


UseMutationResult<AppModelType, FirebaseError, UseUpdateDocMutationValues<DbModelType>, TContext>

An object returned by useMutation which includes functions to start the mutation and properties that represent the different states of the mutation.

Released under the MIT License.