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react-query-firebase / firestore / useBatchWrite

Function: useBatchWrite()

function useBatchWrite<TContext>(options): UseMutationResult<void, FirebaseError, UseBatchWriteVariables, TContext>

Defined in: src/firestore/useBatchWrite.ts:20

Custom hook to perform batch write operations using Firestore. Utilizes a mutation to carry out the batch write transaction.

Type Parameters

TContext = unknown

The type of context that can be passed into the hook, defaults to unknown.



UseBatchWriteOptions<TContext> = {}

The configuration options for the mutation operation.


UseMutationResult<void, FirebaseError, UseBatchWriteVariables, TContext>

Returns an object composed of elements returned by useMutation, including properties such as status, and functions to trigger and control the mutation process.

Released under the MIT License.